
Waterproof joint sealing, bonding and assembly of wooden parts in the construction industry.

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Seal-it® 110 UNI-ACRYL

Seal-it® 110 UNI-ACRYL is a high-quality, professional and universally paintable sealant, filler and repair product based on acrylic emulsion technology that cures by evaporation into a durable rubber that retains its plasto-elasticity.

Seal-it® 115 TOP-ACRYL

Seal-it® 115 TOP-ACRYL is a instantly rainproof, superbly paintable high-quality sealant, filler and repair product specially designed for outdoor use that is based on acrylic emulsion technology and that cures by evaporation into a durable rubber that retains its plasto-elasticity.

Seal-it® 120 SPAC-CRYL

Seal-it® 120 SPAC-CRYL is a granular, professional and universally paintable sealant, filler and repair product for joints, seams, cracks and holes, that is based on acrylic emulsion technology and cures by evaporation into a durable rubber that retains its plasto-elasticity.

Seal-it® 125 PLASTER-FILL

Seal-it® 125 PLASTER-FILL is an ultra-lightweight, high-quality ready-mixed repair and filler compound that is based on acrylic emulsion technology and cures by evaporation into a durable filler material.

Seal-it® 325 PRO-PAINT

Seal-it® 325 PRO-PAINT is a KOMO-certified, top quality, superbly paintable sealant for building structures and glazing structures, that is based on MS-Polymer® technology and moisture-cures into a durable rubber that retains its elasticity.

Seal-it® 350 SUPER-ALL

Seal-it® 350 SUPER-ALL is a universal, multi-purpose, high-quality professional sealant and installation and construction adhesive that is based on hybrid technology and moisture-cures into a durable rubber that retains its elasticity.

Seal-it® 351 MS SUPER-ALL

Seal-it® 351 MS SUPER-ALL is a high-quality, multi-purpose universal sealant and construction and installation adhesive that is based on MS-Polymer® technology and moisture-cures into a durable rubber that retains its elasticity.

Seal-it® 352 SUPER-PRO

Seal-it® 352 SUPER-PRO is a high-quality, multi-purpose, professional and universal sealant and construction and installation adhesive that is based on MS-Polymer® technology and moisture-cures into a durable rubber that retains its elasticity.

Seal-it® 353 SUPER-STRONG

SEAL-IT® 353 SUPER-STRONG is een hoogwaardige, extreem krachtige, vlekvrije, universele lijmkit op MS-Polymer® basis. Specifiek voor afdichtingen en verlijmingen met hoge sterktes, in industriële sectoren.

Seal-it® 360 HIGH-TACK

Seal-it® 360 HIGH-TACK is super tough, stainless, elastic and versatile construction and installation adhesive, with extremely high initial adhesion, for heavy-duty, instant and permanent adhesion, that is based on hybrid technology and moisture-cures into a durable rubber that retains its elasticity.


Seal-it® 430 HYBRI-FOAM is een zeer flexibel, luchtdicht en hoog isolerend 1K isolatie- en montageschuim op basis van hybride technologie. Het schuim is isocyanaatvrij (0% MDI) en veilig in gebruik. Een opleidingsplicht/ speciale training is dan ook niet van toepassing.

Seal-it® 470 PU-FOAM GUN

Seal-it® 470 PU-FOAM GUN is a high-quality, fast-curing 1k insulation and installation foam, specially developed for sealing and filling joints, adjustment and installation spaces, seams and connections between various building components, and that moisture-cures into a durable foam mass.

Seal-it® 471 PU-FOAM FLEX

Seal-it® 471 PU-FOAM FLEX is a highly flexible, airtight and highly insulating 1k insulation and installation foam, specially designed for flexible and airtight sealing and filling of joints, adjustment and installation spaces, seams and connections between various building components, and that moisture-cures into a durable foam that retains its flexibility.

Seal-it® 475 PU-FOAM HAND

Seal-it® 475 PU-FOAM HAND is a durable, fast-curing 1k insulation and installation foam, specially developed for sealing and filling joints, connections, seams, holes and adjustment and installation spaces between various building components, and that moisture-cures into a durable foam mass.

Seal-it® 479 PU-FOAM GUN Black

Seal-it® 479 PU-FOAM GUN Black is a high-quality, fast-curing 1k insulation and installation foam, specially developed for sealing and filling joints, adjustment and installation spaces, seams and connections between various building components, and that moisture-cures into a durable foam mass.

Seal-it® 710 BONDFIX-PU

Seal-it® 710 BONDFIX-PU is a high-quality, powerful and fast-curing construction and installation adhesive, based on PU technology, for waterproof adhesion/installation of numerous materials, that moisture-cures into a rubber that retains its flexibility.

Seal-it® 730 WOODBOND D3

Seal-it® WOODBOND-D3 is a high-quality white wood glue that is resistant to water. Specifically designed for bonding wood joints in furniture, window frames, prefabricated elements, doors, etc., it has a PVAC base, meaning it hardens transparently through water evaporation from the mass to achieve a long-lasting wood adhesive.


SEAL-IT® 731 CONSTRUCTBOND-PU is a high-quality, fast-curing and highly waterproof construction adhesive. Specifically designed for sealing and strong bonding of various wood elements, it has a PU base which means that it moisture-cures into a durable construction adhesive.


Seal-it® 732 Tixbond-PU D4 is een professionele, snel uithardende, transparante (crème) polyurethaanlijm met een pasteuze (thixotrope) structuur. De lijm heeft een vullend vermogen waardoor het tijdens het uitharden iets zal opschuimen, afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid vocht in de ondergrond.

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